Manage Stress-Related Absence

Wellbeing Solutions offers employers an effective and sophisticated system of managed Stress-Related Absence. On receipt of a referral from HR, we will arrange a face-to-face counselling assessment with your employee, and provide you with a written clinical report. Our clinical reports are carefully prepared and will answer specific questions that you ask us, will accurately and impartially assess an employee's condition, and will include practical and achievable next steps to facilitate a return to work. Managed referrals for a counselling assessment differ from employee self referrals to an EAP because: 

  • EAP self referrals are confidential and the employer knows nothing about the process.
  • HR initiates a managed referral, and can target them to employees with particular stress-related (non physical) reasons for prolonged sickness absence.
  • HR can ask for specific questions, issues and/or behavioral patterns to be assessed and commented upon.
  • HR is updated on the booking and timing of the referral.
  • The employer receives a comprehensive written clinical assessment report.
  • This report will address specific questions set by HR, and may recommend further therapy as part of a realistic return-to work plan.

Our unique managed counselling referral service fills a gap in absent management support services available to UK employers. For many organisations, close to 50% of employee sickness absence cases are “stress- related”, non-physical ailments. In many instances these cases cannot be addressed by referral to an OH physician who would ordinarily conduct a physical assessment, report back to HR, and help manage a return- to-work.

Management referrals can be made to some other EAP providers, but the frequency and quantity of information passed back to HR is normally very restricted, and falls short of the assessment, reporting, and managed return-to-work of an OH medical referral.

To fill this gap in effective management of stress-related employee sickness absence, WSM offers a comprehensive Managed Counselling Referral service.

WSM provides a referral intervention package that addresses stress, behavioural and performance issues, in the same way as a traditional medical referral to OH. The WSM service provides a thorough rapid response face-to-face counselling assessment, clinical assessment and end of therapy evaluation reports to HR, and helps employers organise a comprehensive and interactive managed return-to-work programme. 

The Service Gap……..

Traditionally OH and EAP providers have offered two core services:

1. OH Management Referrals: HR initiated referrals to OH, resulting in a managed referral process that includes medical assessments, and multiple detailed medial reports for managers on an employee’s ability to function effectively in the workplace and/or return to work in cases of sickness absence. It is an interactive and dynamic process, and the organisation is made fully aware of all relevant facts continually throughout the process.

To fill this gap in effective management of employee sickness absence, WSM offers a comprehensive Managed Counselling Referral service.

We provide an identical referral intervention package that addresses stress, behavioural and performance issues, in the same way as traditional medical referrals to OH.  The managed counselling referral includes the following key features:

  • HR initiates referral to WSM or OH in the normal way, and completes a detailed referral request form,
  • Written consent is received from the employee,
  • The employee is pro-actively contacted by WSM and introduced to the counselling service to be provided,
  • The first face-to-face counselling assessment session takes place within 5 working days,
  • HR receives a detailed written counselling assessment report, summarising the employee’s presenting issues and recommending a relevant course of therapy (counselling, CBT, physiological assessment, psychiatry etc.),
  • HR receives a second counselling interim report mid way through the course of therapy, updating the organisation on the effectiveness and appropriateness of the intervention,
  • At the scheduled end of the therapy, HR receives a full Evaluation clinical report, which may include recommendations  for HR and suggested additional therapy  / action where appropriate.

This comprehensive Managed Counselling Referral service is unique to WSM, and enables employers to consistently manage and address all types of sickness absence cases in the same way.  Both medical and psychological OH referrals are charged on a simple fee-per- session basis, and is an additional component complementing the core confidential, employee self-referral EAP service.

2. EAP Self-referrals: The traditional second service, comprehensively provided by WSM, is the provision of an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). The EAP is principally an employee self-referral service, where employees access a range of counselling and practical, professional advice and information services. The content and outcome of therapy is confidential between the clinician and the employee. A management referral service is also included in most EAP packages, but the frequency and quantity of information passed back to HR is normally very restricted.

The problem for employers is that for many organisations, around 50% of employee sickness absence cases are “stress-related”, that is, not physical ailments that can be addressed by an OH physician. Under the traditional two tier approach, an employer can initiate an effective, responsive and informative managed referral service in the 50% of sickness absence cases that are medically based, but has no comparable resource for effectively managing the other 50% of sickness absence cases that are stress, behavioural and performance related, and require some form of psychological intervention, assessment and reporting.

